Assalamualaikum dan Salam 1 Malaysia

Today's discussion is about the latest examination result. I was thrilled to open my e-mail last week. UiTM had announced that they would send our result through e-mail. I was amazed. Normally, it was impossible for us to check our result on the first 3 days after the result was published. The student portal would be crowded with thousands of people who only want to know what they had achieve. Thankfully this semester they had taken a brilliant step by sending the result by e-mail. Hmm.. my result?? Well, alhamdulillah. Although 4 flat still need a few steps a head, I able to get DL :) I heard that one of my friends got 4 flat,again. My comment- she is superb! 

I can't believe that this year I have successfully finish up 2 semester  in a blink of eye. Another year needs to be through to get my diploma. Wow! It is pretty fast. I thought that it would be like forever. That's all folks! Need to be mentally ready for next semester.
 Sehingga ketemu lagi, tata~
tak tahu la ape kene mengena pic ni ngn post ni..saje letak.